The following Abstracts of journal literature and patent specifications are taken, with kind permission, from Imaging Abstracts, published by Pira International on behalf of The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. These abstracts are dated up to 2003 and this facility is no longer maintained.
The abstracts are Copyright © 1997-2004 Pira International on behalf of the RPS. Original documents are in English unless otherwise stated. The abstracts published here are those which cover aspects of Infrared imaging and are made available here for informational purposes only. No liability can be accepted for the accuracy of the information given or any use that is made of it.
12 results found
Moller H J, Funke C, Lawerenz A, Riedel S, Werner M (Tech Univ Bergakademie Freiberg Germany)
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells vol. 72, nos. 1-4, 2002, pp 403-416
Oxygen is formed during the production of multicrystalline material for use in photovoltaic applications, and an investigation is described using both transmission electron microscopy and scanning infrared microscopy for the study of the mechanism of its formation, and possible means for its avoidance. 10 refs.
Rosner B T, van der Weide D W (Wisconsin University USA)
Rev. Sci. Instrum. vol. 73, no. 7, 2002, pp 2505-2525
A review with 289 references surveys progress made in near-field microscopy with radiation wavelengths from near-infrared to radio frequency. The nature of the techniques employed, and their practical applications, are covered in detail.
Kim H S, Kim C W, Hong S M (Agency for Defence Dev Daejon South Korea)
Opt. Eng. vol. 41, no. 7, 2002, pp 1661-1667
An infrared camera designed for the mid-wavelength IR range, with a zooming range of 20:1 was described. The lens contained only two lens groups, and the instrument has been subjected to athermalization, so that it could be operated over the temperature range of -30 to +55 deg. 12 refs.
Cricenti A, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Margaritondo G (Ist di Stuttura della Materia Roma Lesotho)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. vol. 4, no. 12, 2002, pp 2738-2741
A novel high resolution procedure has been devised for imaging at high resolution with infrared radiation of both thin films and biological specimens. A spectroscopic version of SNOM was employed, which was coupled to the Vanderbilt free electron laser tunable IR radiation source. Some of the results obtained were described. 21 refs.
Cohn K, Simanovskii D, Smith T, Palanker D (Stanford University USA)
Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 81, no. 19, 2002, pp 3678-3680
Transient solid immersion lenses have been produced by photoinducing a zone plate on a semiconductor wafer; gallium phosphide and silicon wafers have been used with different numbers of zones, and the lenses had a lifetime exceeding 50 ps. Their use in scanning near-field infrared microscopy was described. 14 refs.
Miyake H, Kawauchi I (Fuji Photo Film Co)
Patent: US 6,340,551 - 22 January 2002
A positive-working photographic material designed for exposure with an infrared laser consists of a substrate bearing (a) a layer containing at least 50 weight % of a copolymer which includes at least 10 mol % of at least one of the following monomers - a sulphonamide derivative, a derivative with an active imino group, or an acrylamide (or similar compound) with a phenolic hydroxy group, and (b) a layer containing at least 50 weight % of an alkaline-solution soluble resin with phenolic hydroxy groups. There is also present a compound which generates heat on absorbing light.
Ramsey E W, Nelson G A, Sapkota S K, Seeger E B, Martella K D (National Wetlands Research Center US Geological Survey USA, Johnson Controls World Services USA)
Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sensing vol. 68, no. 3, Mar 2002, pp 251-255
Airborne colour-infrared photography (CIR) (1:12,000 scale) was used to map localized occurrences of the invasive species Chinese tallow Sapium sebiferum. Photographs were collected during senescence, when Chinese tallow's bright-red leaves gave a high contrast within native species. Mapped occurrences were conservative, because not all senescing tallow leaves are bright red at the same time. To simulate low-spectral, but high-spatial resolution, satellite/airborne image and digital video data, the CIR photographs were transformed into raster images. Classification accuracies were greater than 95% at spatial resolutions of 0.5 and 1.0 m. High spatial, but low spectral, resolution remote-sensing data can be used to map Chinese tallow trees in dominant environments found in coastal and adjacent upland landscapes. 16 refs.
Chen H D, Chen T T, Williams K W (Eastman Kodak Co)
Patent: US 6,561,916 - 26 March 2002
A coating composition which is suitable for the provision of an infrared sensitive optical recording layer employs a latex with water as its continuous phase, and hydrophobic polymer particles as the disperse phase. These particles include an infrared radiation absorbing dye, and a stabilizer for this dye.
Hindus L A
Adv. Imag. vol. 17, no. 4, April 2002, pp 28-29,54
Developments in military applications of infrared (IR) imaging technology are discussed. A major area for development is the integration of visible light and IR imaging: the former captures reflected radiation, whereas the latter captures emitted radiation, and the combination of the two is useful in applications such as human identification, tracking, surveillance and monitoring. Equinox Corporation has developed a system for recognising human faces by means of IR radiation, which are far less sensitive to ambient illumination than are systems based on visible light. Other applications discussed include an aerial reconnaissance system and a system for distinguishing thermal decoys from actual targets.
Seielstad C A, Riddering J P, Brown S R, Queen L P, Hao W M (Remote Sensing Lab Univ Montana School Forestry Missoula USA, Fire Sciences Lab Rocky Mountain Res Station USDA Forestry Services Missoula USA)
Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sensing vol. 68, no. 8, Aug 2002, pp 831-838
A MODIS-like, daytime, active, fire-detection model using NOAA-AVHRR infrared data was tested in Alaskan biomes, and its performance was assessed across a range of channel 3 (3.8 µm) brightness temperature and contextual standard deviation thresholds. Absolute thresholding of channel 3 and the channel 3/4 difference was more effective than contextual analysis in minimizing false detections, although detection sensitivity to actual fire pixels was lower. False detections increased exponentially and detections of active fires increased linearly as thresholds were loosened. Each biome or region may require different thresholds to optimize the performance of the algorithm. Effective cloud removal is clearly the most significant issue facing this type of fire-detection method. 31 refs.
Hamrelius U, Lannestedt S (Flir Systems AB)
Patent: WO 02 091735 - 14 November 2002
An infrared camera includes a detector sensitive to infrared radiation and an optical system for focusing the image of an object to be monitored on the detector. A light source emits a narrow beam of radiation within the visible region towards the object to be imaged by the detector.
Guldenvall U (Flir Systems AB)
Patent: WO 02 104010 - 27 December 2002
Infrared images with good resolution and accuracy can be obtained both for room temperature and high temperature scenes simultaneously. Temperature differences can be presented with good resolution throughout a large temperature range.