Book 'Ball'Managing Multimedia    


Cover of Book 1

Book 1 - People and Processes

Part I The Project Life Cycle

  1. The background: multimedia and projects
  2. The background: multimedia project management
  3. Scoping a project
  4. The proposal
  5. Contract issues 1
  6. Agreeing the content
  7. Selecting the media and techniques: the treatment
  8. Interface design
  9. Contract issues 2
  10. Selecting the team
  11. Testing
  12. Archiving
  13. Managing small, quick projects

Part II Self Development

  1. Team management principles
  2. Rights, copyright and other intellectual property
  3. Multimedia narrative
  4. Adapting projects for other languages and cultures
  5. Marketing implications for interactive systems



mini ballProject Management Training for New Media Professionals - Short Course