Author/Date |
Title/Publisher |
Amazon |
Adcock D Bradfield R, Halborg A and Ross C
(1997) |
Marketing Principles and Practice, 3rd edn.
London: Pitman |
Albitz P and Liu C
(2001) |
DNS and Bind, 4th edn
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates
Most of this book is very technical; designed for people setting up Internet-connected networks. However, it also includes a good description of how the Domain Name system works.
Apple Computer Inc
(1993) |
The Apple Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Also available free online here.
Getting on in years now but the background reasoning about the way we use a computer interface are still valid and well explained.
Bear G
(1995) |
Science fiction usually gives us glimpses of the future without showing us how it is supposed to work. Greg Bear's novel about a future civilisation includes some interesting ideas about man-machine interaction including use of partial personalities to carry out tasks for us.
Belbin RM
(1996) |
Team Roles at Work
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
A later work by Belbin refining his research on team roles.
Bonime A and Pohlman KC
(1997) |
Writing for New Media: The Essential Guide for Writing for Interactive Media, CD-ROMS and the Web.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Scripting new media is one of the hidden talents that is often neglected but warrants better understanding and covereage. Hence this reference for those new to interactive scripting.
Bordwell D and Thompson K
(2000) |
Film Art
New York: McGraw-Hill |
Boyle T
(1997) |
Design for Multimedia Learning
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Developing applications for learning needs extra skills and considerations. This helps set parameters for instructional design.
Brooks FP Jr
(1995) |
The Mythical Man-Month. Essays on Software Engineering, 2nd edn.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Salient insights still highly relevant despite the date of publication.
Burdman J
(1999) |
Collaborative Web Development: Strategies and Best Practices for Web Teams
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley |
Chicken J
(1994) |
Managing Risks and Decisions in Major Projects
London: Chapman & Hall
Based on general projects not multimedia, some principles can be appreciated and transferred.
Collis B
(1996) |
Tele-learning in a Digital World: The Future of Distance Learning.
London: International Thomson Computer
For those who specialise in educational and training applications who appreciate wider knowledge in the subject.
De Marco T and Lister T
(1999) |
Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams 2nd edn
New York: Dorset House Publishing Co.
Very popular, straight talking, insightful book - so relevant for new media too.
Deregowski JB
(1980) |
Illusions, Patterns and Pictures. A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
London: Academic Press |
Dix A, Finlay J, Abowd G and Beale R
(1998) |
Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd edn.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall |
Dornam A
(2000) |
The Essential Guide to Wireless Communications Applications: From Cellular Systems to WAP and M-Commerce
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall |
Duffy TM and Jonassen DH
(1992) |
Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction: A Conversation.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc
This helps educational and training specialists position theories of learning with technology. Difficult to get but principles explored and developed in later Jonassen books.
Dumas JS and Redish JC
(1999) |
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing
Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation
We can only touch on the subject but for those that want more comprehensive coverage, this is the book.
Dworkin G, Taylor RD
(1989) |
Blackstone's Guide to the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
London: Blackstone Press
Contains a copy of the Act itself and handy aides memoire on things like duration of copyright. UK/European law.
Ellis J
(1992) |
Visible Fictions. Cinema: Television: Video.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
A venerable work exploring the relationship between cinema and television. The author expresses surprise at its longevity in his Amazon posting but his analysis of interdependencies between media is worth extrapolating into new forms as well as the 'traditional' ones.
Foley JD, van Dam A, Feiner SK and Hughes JF
(1996) |
Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, 2nd edn in C
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
The book on computer graphics principles. It looks at CG from the maths outwards so is more for the specialist than the Bryce user.
Friedlein A
(2001) |
Web Site Project Management
San Fransisco: Morgan Kaufmann
Written from a business perspective and a good adjunct to our own book.
Gagné RM, Briggs LJ and Wagner WW
(1992) |
Principles of Instructional Design, 4th edn.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
A noted book in the development of understanding about learners and how they might learn. See later Gagné books for more up-to-date synopsis.
Gagné RM, Briggs LJ and Wagner WW
(1997) |
Selecting and using media. In Principles of Instructional Design (Gagné RM, ed.), 4th edn, pp. 205-23
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |
Garrond T
(1996) |
Writing for Multimedia: Entertainment, Education, Training, Advertising and the World Wide Web.
Boston: Focal Press
Scripting is a specialism and needs further reading like this since we can only place it in a plethora of skills.
Gibson, W
If future interfaces are with our mind and not our body then William Gibson's science fiction (aka cyberpunk) scenarios give us a glimpse. I wonder what Jacob Neilsen would make of it.
Hagel J and Armstrong AG
(1997) |
Net Gain: Expanding Markets Through Virtual Communities.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press |
Hanson WA
(2000) |
Principles of Internet Marketing
Cincinnati, OH: Thomson Learning |
Henry M
(1994) |
Publishing and Multimedia Law
London: Butterworths
Relatively dry but including an invaluable resource of letters and boilerplate contracts. UK Law only of course.
Holyoak J and Torremans P
(2001) |
Intellectual Property Law 3rd edn
London: Butterworths |
Honey P
(2001) |
Improve Your People Skills 3rd Edn
London: Institute of Personnel Management
Good for background general team management. Easy to read.
Hughes B
(1999) |
Dust or Magic: Secrets of Successful Multimedia Design
Harlow: Addison-Wesley
A fascinating anecdotal journey through Bob Hughes' work in new media.
Humphrey WS
(1990) |
Managing the Software Process
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
A well respected book which still has relevence. This is the 'conventional' software process background onto which new media tends to bolt itself.
Johnson J
(2000) |
GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for Software Developers and Web Designers
San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
Jonassen DH, ed
(1982) |
The Technology of Text Vol 1, 2nd edn
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications
Books that really make you re-think many aspects taken for granted. Good despite the publication dates.
Jonassen DH, ed
(1982) |
The Technology of Text Vol 2, 2nd edn
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications
These volumes have new leases of life because of web text. For some reason Amazon UK has another book on this ISBN.
Judson B
(1996) |
New York: Wolff New Media |
Katzenbach JR and Smith DK
(1994) |
The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization
Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press
Helps give a sound understanding of the value of teams to a business. Convincing examples.
Kelly, George
(1963) |
A Theory of Personality
New York: WW Norton |
Korolenko M
(1997) |
Writing for Multimedia: A Guide and Sourcebook for the Digital Writer.
Belmont, CA: Integrated Media Group
An introduction and support tool for budding new media script writers.
Lowe R
(1993) |
Successful Instructional Diagrams
London: Kogan Page
Back to basics to make us re-consider present practices on diagrams as opposed to other visual aids.
Marcus A
(1992) |
Graphic Design for Electronic Documents and User Interfaces
New York: ACM Press; Reading MA: Addison-Wesley |
Monaco J
(2000) |
How to Read a Film. The Art, Technology, Language, History, andTheory of Film and Media 3rd edn
New York: Oxford University Press
(Mostly) lucid explanations - reads the Amazon review. But apart from a sometimes easy acceptwance of new technologies this book is well received.
Murray J
(1997) |
Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace
Cambridge, MA: MIT |
Negroponte, N
(1995) |
Being Digital
Negroponte (of the MIT Media Lab) is a renowned guru of the new media age. |
Neilsen J
(1995) |
Multimedia and Hypertext: Internet and Beyond
New York: Academic Press |
Nguyen HO
Testing Applications on the Web: Test Planning for Internet-Based Systems
New York: John Wiley & Sons |
Niederst J
(1999) |
Web Design in a Nutshell
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly |
Nielsen J
(1996) |
International User Interfaces
New York: John Wiley & Sons
Very little has been written about this area so this is welcomed and more is needed. Jacob is the man for interface design with more to his name since, including a very perceptive review of web page design.
Nielsen J
(2000) |
Designing Web Usability
Indianapolis: New Riders Publishing
I'm somewhat relieved that one of my web sites isn't subjected to Mr Nielsen's insightful analysis. Currently a dog-eared bible for us.
Patton R
(2001) |
Software Testing
Indianapolis, IN: Sams Publishing |
Phillips N
(1992) |
Managing International Teams
London: Pitman Publishing
Virtual teams and dispersed teams are more common in the digital age so insights on international aspects can be valuable despite the publication date.
Pohlmann KC
(2000) |
Principles of Digital Audio. 4th edn
Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill |
Preece J, ed
(1994) |
Human-Computer Interaction
Wokingham: Addison-Wesley
Comprehensive souce/text book - depth as well as breadth - good for background.
Reiss G
(1995) |
Project Management Demystified
London: E & FN Spon
Straightforward, readable introducation to Project Management principles.
Sebesta RW
(2001) |
Programming the World Wide Web
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley |
Siegel D
(1997) |
Creating Killer Web Sites, 2nd edn
Indianapolis, IN: Hayden Books
Siegel is no shrinking violet, and his theories are not without detractors but, as with Nielsen, it's the background logic that makes this book useful. If you like his designs then that's a bonus.
Smith GJH (ed)
(2001) |
Internet Law and Regulation, 3rd edn
London: Sweet & Maxwell
Law books always seem to be expensive but if you publish on the Internet you need to have a global view of a legal area that is still finding itself. Smith's book (as editor) clearly outlines potential pitfalls and relates new technology to existing statutes.
Spainhour S and Echstein R
(1999) |
Webmaster in a Nutshell, 2nd edn
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates
Good background and practical guide to what is involved in a web site.
Splaine S
(2001) |
The Web Testing Handbook
Orange Park, FL: Software Quality Engineering |
Stim, R
(1999) |
Getting Permission: How to License and Clear Copyrighted Materials Online and Off
Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press |
Stoll C
(2000) |
The Cuckoo's Egg
New York, NY: Pocket Books.
An Amazon reviewer refers to Cliff Stoll as 'one of the quirkiest, most entertaining techno-goobers you'll come across'. Read this book even if you hate computer technology! It's a detective story tracking down a hacker in the early days of the Internet and, along the way, tells you how it all fits together.
Strong WA
(1999). |
The Copyright Book: A Practical Guide to US law, 5th edn
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
William Strong has vetted our 'legal' chapter for US validity and this is his book explaining the backgound to IPR as she is spoke in America. A potentially useful reference for non-Americans too.
Tapscott D, Ticoll D and Lowy A (2000) |
Digital Capital: Harnessing the power of Business Webs
Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press |
Tittel E, Mikula N and Chandak R
(1998) |
XML for Dummies
Foster City: IDG Books
XML has great potential for information engineering as it provides a standardised way of tagging information based on its meaning rather than how it is supposed to be laid out. Start here.
Tjosvold D
(1992) |
Team Organization: An Enduring Competitive Advantage
Chichester: Wiley.
Another approach to defining teams. May suit some more than others.
Vaughan T
(2003) |
Multimedia: Making It Work, 6th edn
Berkeley, CA: Osborne McGraw-Hill
Glad this has lined up more with our approach and balanced management aspects with production techniques in the later editions. Long may the revisions continue. Always have the latest copy.
Wallace P
(1999) |
The Psychology of the Internet
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Patricia Wallace takes a readable journey through the way people react to the Internet. The insights into use of nicknames and behaviour will be indispensable for anyone running a bulletin board or weblog service.
Watkinson J
(2000) |
Art of Digital Video 3rd edn
London: Focal Press
John Watkinson is an excellent explainer of technology and acknowledged as an industry expert.
Watkinson J
(2001) |
Art of Digital Audio. 3rd edn
London: Focal Press |
Watson R
(1990) |
Film and Television in Education
London: Falmer Press
Background reading for producers of educational and training materials.
Watts H
(1998) |
On Camera. 2nd edn
London: Focal Press
This started life as a BBC Training video and book and Harris Watts writes having trained many BBC people.
Webb A
(1994) |
Managing Innovative Projects
London: Chapman & Hall
The appropriately named Mr Webb shifts general Project Management closer to a new media perspective because of the link to innovation.
Whale RF and Philips JJ
(1997) |
Whale on Copyright, Introduction to UK law, 5th edn
London: Sweet & Maxwell |
Young TL
(1993) |
Planning Projects
London: Industrial Society
Quick and easy reading. General insights can be applied to new media with considerations.