Author/Date |
Title/Publisher |
Amazon |
Stoll C
(2000) |
The Cuckoo's Egg
New York, NY: Pocket Books.
[An Amazon reviewer refers to Cliff Stoll as 'one of the quirkiest, most entertaining techno-goobers you'll come across'. Read this book even if you hate computer technology!]
Wallace P
(1999) |
The Psychology of the Internet
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press |
Sebesta RW
(2001) |
Programming the World Wide Web
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley |
Tittel E, Mikula N and Chandak R
(1998) |
XML for Dummies
Foster City: IDG Books |
Albitz P and Liu C
(2001) |
DNS and Bind, 4th edn
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates |
Spainhour S and Echstein R
(1999) |
Webmaster in a Nutshell, 2nd edn
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates |
Niederst J
(2001) |
Web Design in a Nutshell, 2nd edn
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly |
The Internet Society Internet History |
A page of links to various historic documents |
The NetGeo server
This service is no longer active but the legacy remains online. The NetGeo server mapped IP addresses to latitude and longitude or to country. The system queried WHOIS servers and parsed the information there in order to obtain its data. |
IANA - Country TLDs |
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has a list of country top-level domains and information about who adminsters them.
IANA - Generic TLDs |
Information from IANA on the generic TLDs such as .com and .edu
All Domains Listing | lists the TLDs and a comprehensive listing of the various country sub-domains that can be registered. (This is not an endorsement of AllDomains but we thought you might find the listing enlightening. As they say 'Other domain registrars are available'.) |
All Whois |
This website enables you to look up information on domains to see who registered them and (sometimes) who owns them - exact info depends on the registering body. |
Anonymizer |
Anonymizer claims to allow anonymous web browsing and will presumably make non-Americans seem to be in the USA since the domain name or IP will be for rather than the actual user. |
Internet Product Watch |
News, specifications, information and announcements about the latest Internet hardware and software. |
Check your persona |
Russ Haynall's Check your Persona' web page. |
Web Pages that Suck |
Vincent Flanders' site on web page design that doesn't work.
Security Space Network Monitor |
Monthly comprehensive and current statistics on many aspects of the Internet.
Jakarta |
One freely-available stress tester is a Java-based project from Apache called Jakarta. |
Working the web: Forums |
Guardian newspaper - the Online supplement appears each Thursday. This article on forums was written by David Rowley and appeared on 19 April 2001.